

Welcome to our blog! Here you will find moments from every day life- from favorite books to meal planning and the adventures of two sisters living in different zip codes.

five simple things #2

five simple things #2

Hello! My weekend has been particularly relaxing due to getting a little extra time on Friday. It wasn’t how I anticipated using a personal day but it definitely extended the weekend. Our apartment is clean, laundry (including all bedding!) is done, and Badger and I will be heading out to grocery shop soon. I intend to spend the rest of the day updating my planner for the next week, crafting and savoring the remaining Sunday hours. Enjoy this week’s five simple things.

  1. Snail mail is one of my favorite things. Selecting the just right card from my collection for the recipient slows down the process of letting them know that I was and am thinking of them. I love adding the details of the washi tape, stamp and return address label.

Photo by Gia Oris on Unsplash

Photo by Gia Oris on Unsplash

2. January is a time typically full of resolution, mantras and intentions. I honestly have fallen off of that bandwagon several years ago. However, I fully support making small changes and doing the best that I can. Sustainability has been one area of change that initially was inspired by Fox becoming a vegetarian ten years ago. I plan to share some of the small and attainable changes that I have made as well as more. For now, I highly recommend following Julia and her sustainability challenges each month. January is focused on no plastic bags. I am joining her in her challenge. I’ll let you know at the end of the month how it went!


3. Friday night Mama Bear stayed over and we had a lovely breakfast Saturday morning filled with ricotta eggs, bagels, and coffee. I have loved hosting Mama Bear and Fox over the past couple of weekends and wish that I had more guests on the calendar for a visit!


4. I have never been a huge fan of stairs. I blame it on my multiple experiences falling down stairs as a child. My face in the above photo from 2006 when I visited Fox in London demonstrates my dislike. However, my job this year has become more sedentary. I chose to take the steps down the eight flights the other day and think I’ll try to make this a habit when I can.

5. This cat wearing a flower crown makes me smile. Badger can find some real gems on the internet.

Have a wonderful week!

“Don’t you like to writer letters? I do because it’s such a swell way to keep from working and yet feel you’ve done something.”

Ernest Hemingway

five simple things #3

five simple things #3

five simple things #1

five simple things #1