five simple things #11
this week has felt very bizarre. i wanted to remain on top of covid-19 news but at the same time felt oversaturated. on thursday evening, i ventured to Costco with Mama Bear and it was not the most reassuring trip. i’m grateful for the ability to have my pantry stocked and family close by. i am thinking about those who may not and may be having a difficult time with the heightened anxiety. i’ve been trying to carry on with life as usual just with more social distance. Badger is a pro at staying home so i am learning from him. we have been enjoying time outside and i’ve been trying new recipes. i’m still trying to find joy and the light despite the heaviness.
1. Signs of Spring. I spotted these crocuses on walk after work and immediately stopped to snap a photo. They signify the first signs of spring to me which makes me excited for warmer weather, chirping birds and more time outside.
2. Mindfulness. I feel like I have shared this before but I would not call myself a “reader.” Fox and Mama Bear can read for hours where I would much rather be busying myself with an activity. However, for the past month and a half, I have been trying to read more. Reading, I have found, requires me to be focused on one thing versus mindlessly watching television and/or scrolling through Instagram. Mediation has not been something I have been able to successfully practice but with reading I have felt peaceful in the quiet of the words on the pages.
3. Homemade granola. I shared a photo of homemade granola in my very first five simple things but it really is the best! I use a recipe from Seriously Delish and then add various mix-ins. This week’s variation I call “unicorn snow”- cranberries, coconut and sprinkles!
Photo by Ryan Quintal on Unsplash
4. Dominos. Badger introduced me to actually playing dominos versus just lining them up to have them fall down probably about 10 years ago. Since then, we will occasionally pull out our set for the best out of three games. If I am being truthful, he is usually the victor but it is still fun and is an activity that is not mindlessly watching tv. Maybe the more games we play, the better I will become!
5. Take a Breather Oxygen Nail Treatment. This Julep polish is one of my favorites. I can successfully paint both of my hands without it looking atrocious and it leaves my nails healthier. I used to re-apply every Sunday and might get back in the habit.
it’s not the circumstances that create joy.
it’s you.