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five simple things #13

five simple things #13

I am not a superstitious person. I don’t have a lucky number or fear of black cats. I am almost positive that I have broken a mirror and definitely have opened an umbrella indoors. However with the escalation of things* over the past week, it is not lost on me that this number 13 for five simple things. Things* refers to coronavirus/COVID-19 which has become almost like He Who Must Not be Named in Harry Potter. I’ve learned though that labeling emotions and fears removes some of the power the “thing” seems to possess. This week I have been trying to hone in on what I am feeling and pausing to name and acknowledge the anxiety/fear/happiness/joy/exhaustion/anger/peace in the moment. My intention for you reading these five simple things this week is a few moments of peace and joy that feels a tad bit more normal.


1. Mug Cake. I am trying to not constantly stress bake at the risk of Badger and I being the only two to eat the final products. However, last night I couldn’t help making a mug cake that I stumbled upon on Instagram. I actually found the recipe through InstaStories ala @abbydlarson, aka the founder of Style Me Pretty. I was just grateful it didn’t require an egg. In case you want to make your own (and it is small enough to finish off alone but also reasonable enough to share):

  • 2 tablespoons of salted butter

  • 4 tablespoons of butter

  • 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder

  • 1/4 teaspoon baking powder

  • 2 tablespoons sugar

  • 3 tablespoons milk

  • handful of chocolate chips

Place butter in a mug and melt. Combine everything but the chocolate chips and stir with a fork until totally blended. Stir chocolate chips. Microwave from about 1:20 seconds. Top with sprinkles just because. Enjoy!

open windows.jpg

2. Open Windows. Spring is a season of renewal and growth. I have been loving the opportunity to open the windows of our apartment and let the fresh air in. I can more distinctly hear the birds chirping and the wind rustling the leaves on the trees.

3. Baby Pig. I almost feel obligated to share a cute animal each week because it brings an immediate smile to my face. When Badger shared this with me, I immediately knew I had to include it.


4. Virtual fitness classes. Exercise enriches my physical and mental health. Since last May, I have been attending a weekly fitness class that is outside of my usual comfort zone. I absolutely LOVE the class. I feel energized, happy and confident after each class. The instructor is offering live classes for free via youtube. You can find out more information on her website, 305inthe412. I highly recommend you check out a class!

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

5. Empties blog post. One of my favorite blog posts to read shares recent products that the person has finished aka empties. I have a post in the works that should be done by Wednesday to share and I cannot wait! It is giving me something to do on this Sunday hunkered down at home.

“you can be brave and afraid at the exact same time.”

jamie varon



five simple things #12

five simple things #12